The impact of perfectionism on anxiety and depression

By [Student Name]

In the Journal of Psychology and Cognition we can find many different articles on human behavior but the one that stood out the most to me was The Impact of Perfectionism on Anxiety and depression.
Feedback: I like your introduction paragraph,it's really smooth and fluent.You connect the name of your journal article,content of the article and your understanding to the article very well.
This article called out to me as I believe paying attention to detail is highly important. In other words, it is important to understand the reason things happen and how they start. The impulsive behavior of perfectionism can grow and can lead to greater mental disorders that make treatment essential. In this article we can see how psychology is both a science and humanity
Question: CM: This is an interesting statement. What do you mean that psychology is both a science and humanity (also it would be humanities)? Like it is a mixture of the two disciplines? If you're talking about discipline, humanity should be humanities*. What does "science" and "humanities" mean to psychology? I like this idea a lot and would like to see you think through it a bit more in your writing.
and how mental health is just as important as psychical
Replace: CM: physical?

The article itself is appealing to the eye as the contrast between the colors blue (used for the title and heading of the article) and white (used for the background of the text) makes it easy to concentrate on what you are reading.
Feedback: I really like your thoughts here as my jornal article also have white and blue colors but I didn't realized that different colors may make us feel easy and clear to read.After I read your analysis I had the same feeling as you.
It is also an easy text to comprehend as the article is divided into ten sub sections each with a clear heading making it simple to find what you are looking for in every section or to comprehend what each sub section has to offer.
Question: CM: Good observation. Why do you think this article would be written and structured in a way that makes finding what you need easy? What does that say about how the author anticipates how their audience will read the audience? What kind of audience might the author be anticipating? How does this structure show this?
At the beginning the article offers an abstract, which is highly useful as this way the reader can have a general overview of what the article is going to talk about. Following the abstract there is a keyword section where important words that are repeated throughout the article are mentioned which is helpful to see what is important and in the article and what is not. Also, these words should be researched before hand so that the reader could get a grasp on what to expect.
Analysis: From this part I know that you understand the structures and their functions clearly.
After this brief background information we finally get to the introduction, which explains a little bit about the background on perfectionism and how it can lead to other, more severe, mental disorders. Next,there is a subsection on what perfectionism means specifically. Next there is another subsection with the different types of perfectionism that are found. Then it goes on to explain how it can lead to depression and anxiety and towards the end of the article it talks about treatment. The article is easily understood, as it is very organized. The author begins with the background, explains what perfectionism is specifically, the types of perfectionism that can be found and how they can lead to anxiety and depression and then goes on to talk about the treatment. Not only is it written in a very orderly fashion it is divided in a way that makes everything easy to find. The subsections are very clear mentioning what will be stated in each paragraph to come. The journal itself is very user friendly as it is easy to comprehend, has a legible font, uses easygoing language and the content is valid and re-enforced by many different resources.
Feedback: CM: Again, these are all good observations and you do a solid job breaking down what the content of the article is and what it looks like. I'd like to see you do a bit more of an analysis, though, where you explain why the article has made these choices. Why was it written in a way that is easy to comprehend? A lot of peer-reviewed articles are not like that, so why does the author make the choice to make it accessible and easy to read?

The researcher sets up the idea by talking about a problem. First the researcher introduces the background then the causes and how perfectionism can develop into something more serious like anxiety or even depression. It is typical for psychology articles to begin with a problem, as that is what their job is, helping other people fix themselves so they can have a better mental state.
Question: Maybe you can add examples here or explain more about this general trend?
The argument made is carried thoughtfully as since the beginning the argument builds up to why intervention and treatment are necessary to stop perfectionism into becoming any severe mental disorder. The treatment subsection of the text analyzes why help is necessary and needed when perfectionism arrives to the point of depression or anxiety.
Feedback: CM: To reaffirm [StudentName]'s suggestion, I'd like to see you talk a bit more about your analysis! While you don't need to provide examples from other journals, I'd like for you to explain why this is a priority and how this article's set up falls into that priority in more depth. In this section, you talk about the problem statement and the treatment; why is the article set up this way? Why is the treatment information provided? How is the treatment information provided? Was it totally successful? Did the author talk about any limitations of the study? What kind of limitations did they mention?

The article cites its research after every few sentences by putting hyperlinked numbers at the end of a block of information. These hyperlinked numbers can also be found in the reference section next to a link meaning that whenever you click on a number it takes you to the direct site of where the information was found. This is very useful as the reader of the article that can very easily can get more background information on a specific subject or on a specific part of the article. The way this is done talks a lot about psychology as a discipline as again, it makes the article very user friendly. The author did everything in a way that makes it easier for the reader to have more background research on the subject as well as easier to understand and interpret the article.
Question: CM: Good analysis! Can you think of other reasons why these numbers would be used instead of the more traditional APA format that looks like this (Messina, 2017)? Think about what that would look like instead of the hyperlinked numbers.

Psychology bases its evidence on case studies. These are important because they are often used in explanatory research and this is how data is prevailed in psychological research. In this article there is no number based data nor are there any specific case studies instead many different psychologists are mentioned next to their work in a way that explains past research made on the subject and what each psychologist has to say.
Question: I am confusing about this sentence.May be you can add some of your opinions like which way do you prefer or is the way your journal article used better than case study in other articles?
There are hyperlinked numbers next to most of the information concerning the different psychologists as there is more research the reader can do on their own which each individual psychologist
Feedback: CM: I agree with [StudentName]. I'd like to see you expand on this paragraph a bit. So this article does not use an quantitative analysis or data, but what is the evidence, exactly? Is it a literature review of other researchers who have done this work and attempts to synthesize the work? Ithink making this more clear by stating "the data used in this article is this...." and "the reason this type of data is used is because...."

The only in text citations that are found in the text are the hyperlinked numbers found that can lead to each individual link so further can be made by the reader of the article. This is highly convenient because if the reader is interested in any given part of the article more research can be done. This journal uses the APA style of citation, which is the American psychological association, This makes sense, as it is a psychological paper and this is the citation format psychologist have created for their discipline.
Feedback: CM: So I understand that you're following the format of the assignment, but I suggest making sure this is paired with the section where you're talking about the hyperlinks previously. Right now, your ideas feel like they jump around a bit and this can be easily changed by putting all the areas where you talk about similar content either in the same paragraph or in consecutive paragraphs.

The conclusion of the article is relatively small compared to all the other paragraphs.
Expansion:I guess maybe the authors thought their results were clear enough so they did not need to spend too much time on their conclusion.
It comes right after the treatment subsection, which is interesting as the conclusion talks about how many perfectionists reject professional help as that would imply that they are “flawed.” The conclusion speaks about the idea that therapy could be helpful for both the person with the disorder and the people that surround them so that they are able to comprehend what is happening. It is also stated that therapy does not always help the patient and that is why long-term therapies have proven to be helpful. The conclusion ends on a happy note explaining why the research is important by saying that steps are being taken to help perfectionists live happier lives. This conclusion leaves a closed panorama for other researchers to pick up their work as it just states their research and what they have done and leaves no doors open for anyone to add anything else.
Feedback: CM: I'm not sure what you mean here. I recommend re-explaining this
Never the less it connects all the dots and finishes the article off strong.

The journal containing the article I chose to analyze is open access meaning that it is open to the public.
Analysis: CM: This was a strong first draft! Your observations pair well with much of your analysis. I also really like this conclusion and wonder if its status as an open access journal explains why it is more accessible. Can you talk a bit more about why you think this journal would want to be accessible to the public? Also, I'd like to see your analysis get deeper. You do a great job of breaking down the content and I recommend now focusing on your analysis and reasoning for why the authors and editors made the choices they made.
There is no need for people interested in reading the article to subscribe. This is interesting as it talks about psychology and its values. Psychology as both a humanity and a science’s primary value is for people to be aware of their mental health and how treatment is important for prevention. The values for all psychologists are simple and all they want is to share their knowledge so that people are well educated on their mental health.
Replace: The aims of all psychologists are simple and all they want is to help people better understand themselves and take care of their mental health.