Grey's Anatomy S7E20: White Wedding
By ABC Production
Callie and Arizona are getting married. All wedding plans should run smoothly if everyone
sticks to the Colonel’s schedule. The Colonel, by the way, is Arizona’s dad. Yes, all the parents are in town for the big
Close Read: Apparently, Arizona's parents decide to come to the town. She may come
to ask her daughter to cancel the wedding, or she may come to congratulate her. No
matter what her intention is, her presence shows that she still cares about her
daughter. Therefore, in my story, I want to use this maternal love to glue Arizona
her mom back together. Because love is patient and love is kind. Arizona’s dad isn’t jazzed to have the sperm donor (his nickname
for Mark) be part of the ceremony and Callie’s mom, Lucia, seems less-than-thrilled
see her daughter walk down the aisle. Gotta love parents!
The issue with Callie’s mom is actually quite troubling. Lucia doesn’t believe this wedding, not to mention having a child out of
wedlock, is right.
Question: What isn't right? What are these conservative people actually thinking? I
should discover it more in my story. She can’t be a part of it. Needless to say, Callie is
devastated. Things go from bad to worse when the minister has to bail on the ceremony.
As far as Callie is concerned, the wedding is off. A pep talk from Bailey turns her
around. Whew!
C: OK? And open your eyes.
C: What do you think? [laughs] I had it made to look like yours.
L: I can see that.
C: I have loved this picture since I was a little
girl and I just wanted to surprise you.
Close Read: In Callie's heart, she admires her mother so much and she even wants to
wear a wedding dress that looks like her mother's. It implies that her mother's approval
on her wedding is so important to her. It also explains why she decide to cancel her
wedding after talking to her mother.
C: Do you like it? OK, what, Mom? - What don't you like? - [Stammers]
L:Nothing. It's.. It's lovely.
C: Lovely? - That's it?
L: What else would you like me to say?
C:Oh, I don't know, something. I've been bending over
backwards since you first got here just to make you feel comfortable.
Expansion: You haven't seen Sonia since you came here. You're a grandma now, don't you
feel happy for this?
L: I didn't ask you to do anything for me.
Expansion: What should I feel happy for? For celebrating an unwedded mother to have a
C:I'm getting married in a church for you!
L: Don't you dare imply there's anything about a wedding to a woman or a baby out of wedlock
Replace: out of blessing that's for me.
C: Wow OK.
C: So, what bothers you more? My bastard child or my lesbian fiance? You're a lawyer, Mom.
C:You're out in the world, you know other gay people. Your secretary is gay.
C:[Sobbing] I'm your daughter.
L:Do you know how devastating it is to raise a child and to love a child and know you won't see that child in heaven?
C:[Sobbing] Mom.
L: You are not a bride.
L: And I am not the mother of a bride.
L: And this [laughs] [Stammers] This isn't your wedding.
C:[Sobs] It isn't right.
L: I'm sorry, but I can't be here.
Restory: From Sonia's perspective: I haven't seen Lucia grandma since I was born.
I have so many imaginations about her. Mom said, Lucia grandma is so busy because
she is
a famous lawyer and she helps people to restore justice. But, I know that it is not
because of this.
L:I just can't.